
the Life, the Love and the Sex of Vienna.

Archive for I will miss you

Road Trip! [S01E04]

Tuesday 6.30 am

Waking up in a car is not at all as I have expected – it is even worse. I felt like a ton of bricks hit my back…very relaxing. As I wake up I see, that I am the only one awake…but in the next hour everyone else sneaks out of their tents and wheel estates making their ways to freshen up a bit or to grab some bites to eat – I think they call it breakfast too. But what do I know about campers – I even dare to believe they have their own language and expressions for almost anything. But again… what do I know.

9.00 am – sharp

K, W and I are packing up their stuff (I actually do not happen to have so much stuff with me except for that one suitcase and that one big bag) so we can make our ways to the next stops… and there are a lot of stops to come up. Packing a tent looks funny… not that I would dare to touch one trying to bundle it, but it looks funny when K does it.

9.30 am

My place in the car is bigger now for W created himself a Tetris situation moving everything in the car so wisely and precisely that I think I am sitting in a loft now! Have I ever said, that I love space? Well, if I did not – here I go. I simply love space… above all space in a car where everything is already so minimized and small and little and you know… just like a car is.

10.15 am – McDonalds Breakfast

I haven’t been to McDonalds in ages – I forgot how good and satisfying it feels to cram all this fat food into your body… and I forgot that scrambled eggs never looked quite scrambled or well, enjoyable. But anyways, I eat it all up and add myself a brownie being forced to admit an conclusion while finalizing the last bit – no one beats a Starbucks Rockslide Brownie… it is full of everything one needs – too much sugar, too much sugar oh and before I forget, too much sugar! The best!

1.30 pm

Can’t believe I fucking fell asleep in a car…again. But well, I must have accustomed to the thought of sleeping inconveniently. I just can remember plugging in my iPhone listening to music while catching chunks of heavy discussions between K and W – love talk. Too much for my anti-love orientated nerves. They can’t handle snuggling and kissing and touching couples anymore. So, well…seeing one of those couples quarreling or discussing or whatever they call it to ease their souls from believing it is not a fight, seems a bit refreshing… but still. None of my business. And nothing my pure nerves could stand right now. So music is all I need and then I fall asleep. And then we are at a weight station. Gosh – never use one of these toilettes. I have seen gross stuff but this has been the worst. Trust me. It was like standing in a fucking river of pee. How can it be that guys can’t handle their dicks?! I think I have to sign a petition for cutting of dicks if not used properly and adequately and above all hygienically. So if anyone misses the toilette or if anyone is a bad fucker… shhh snip!

3:00 pm – sharp (again – what are we sharp today…not just our looks but even our schedule)

Stuttgart. Dinner. Searching for a restaurant with wireless internet for I need to send an article to an editor…in a hurry actually. ‘Rote Kapelle’ – the perfect choice right beside a beautiful park with a beautiful chapel at a beautiful water place – everything so fucking beautiful and I can’t enjoy the view because I have to write. So I write and eat and write and eat and drink a Martini Bianco with ice and half a slice of lemon (just for the inspiration here – I need a little Carrie-feeling in order to write something really good). I finish. I send. We are off to our next stop.

5.30 pm – Stuttgart airport

K says goodbye to little W – he is off to a meeting in Norway. Pretty little scene there. Some I-will-miss-you’s, some I-love-you’s, some kisses and then he is off and we are too. On our way to Munich. To W’s flat bringing his stuff there for he can wash and use it once he returns there on Thursday. Anyways, the motto is road trip again and enjoy my first time alone with K – we sing, we talk (boy talk, of course), we laugh, we eat ice cream, we drink coke and water, we laugh and sing again, some more even… right now we are hitting the 90’s – baby one more time, viva forever, genie in a bottle and even some Backstreet Boys.

7.30 pm – Munich

Gosh we were so perfectly going there without taking the wrong way only once…oh gosh what a lie. But at least it was fun and it felt like a road trip to me so who the fuck cares if we went the wrong way once. You will stick to the story that we never took a wrong direction. We unload W’s stuff and trunks and anything else that belongs to him…well K does while I wait at the car taking my chance to smoke a cigarette to calm my fragile soul. While I smoke and wait K has to deal with W’s presumably depressive flatmate. K tells me that every time she visits W this girl lies in her bed, completely freaked out and completely whacked. But, and here is the brilliant twist… she acts that way since she is in a relationship. So… what lesson do we learn here?! Relationships are not meant to make you happy – they are meant to make you look like a complete wreckage. And let me tell you before anyone else does – looking like a wreckage isn’t stylish since Kurt Cobain left this world and grunge went from being cool to being emo… emotionally unstable.

8.30 – almost there!

The last half an hour of our trip is full of musicals – Dance of the Vampires (Tanz der Vampire), Elisabeth, Romeo and Juliet and then we fucking hit every important Disney song from Can you feel the love tonight (I can’t since I am single – can you?) to Colors of the Wind (ah what an epic song – even in German perfectly beautiful and in French just immaculate to me). And then we are there. Road trip done. Mitterfecking somewhere in the deep deep anything of Bavaria. In a house as huge as the Playboy Mansion (ok well, the half of it) and as beautiful as Aaron Spellings Villa. A place to fall in love with. A beautiful garden, a beautiful pool and K’s Mom C greeting us wholeheartedly. I simply like her. She is awesome.

11.30 pm – garden drinking…bottle up!

As we sit there in the beautiful garden we drink some beers and some glasses of wine and talk and laugh and look at all the pictures of K and W (there are some really bad ones existing… maybe I can steal them away and publish them once they are famous!) but also very cute ones. K looks really good on every single picture (well on most of them, at least).

