
the Life, the Love and the Sex of Vienna.

Archive for Hermès

Zagreb Needs Ties! [S02E02]

Burberry Check Silk Tie

The Burberry Check Tie I Already Have


Outfit of the Day: Black, waxed Guess Jeans; black and white cashmere Burberry sleeve; olive green and black H&M Military Jacket; black Burberry Scarf; silver Fossil watch; black vintage Longchamp bag and my shiny black Burberry shoes.

5.00 am
Good Morning my little Monster would be Lady Gaga say when she gets up in the morning; I on the other hand just scream and shout at my sister, ‘Where the hell is my coffee, is there a reason my coffee isn’t here? Have you died or something?’ In fact it took ten minutes to realize that I neither am Miranda Priestley nor the editor in chief of Runway; the fashion magazine from the book and the movie ‘The Devil wears Prada’.’

7.00 am
The rain started the minute we walked out of the house trying to get our huge suitcases and bags packed with clothes (mine of course with a load full of Burberry) into S’s car. Let me tell you one thing – the rain didn’t stop until this very hour with us sitting here playing a round of Trivial Pursuit and UNO. It is heavily pissing outside and we are sitting here with stacks of beer and bottles of wine as well as big bottles of water playing along with the weather as well as with the games my sister brought with her.

Croatia Klenovica Rainy Wednesday Arrival

Croatia Klenovica: the Rainy Wednesday Arrival

Who could have thought that she would come along with just a half empty suitcase and I would have to carry myself with a huge trunk, a bag and a second bag. You know, some boys just need all their stuff with them and where the hell was I supposed to store all that Burberry, all those new Vogues and my Clinique products? (I think I do not have to make it clear that I confiscated the whole wardrobe in our room to put my stuff in and let’s be honest, she can keep her stuff in the suitcase. It’s not that Burberry. I wish it were.) People with a certain style and image just have to have everything with them in order to keep this image so here I go with a heavy trunk trying to look as elegant as possible when heaving it into the car…

3.00pm Are we there yet? Well, yes we are.
…and later that day into the house we rented. We have three of them. They are called Shell boxes. And they have the size of one of my Burberry Shoeboxes. R and I are there with Speedfreak and Markus. Two rooms. Yes, I have a roomy. My sister. And it is quite OK since she doesn’t snore (THANK BURBERRY) and sharing a room equally makes me control the way she looks. So, I can pick a fight whenever her outfit isn’t picture perfect in my eyes. And I do complain a lot about that. I always did. But, when you see her you might realize that it helped since her style is relatively cool, chic and effortlessly pretty. 10 years of complaining and styling and giving tips (although she never wanted them) had to pay their tribute someday. And that day finally came.


Outfit of the Day: After several changes I have decided on wearing my white Massi Milano shirt; a classic house checked Burberry tie; a grey beige Tommy Hilfiger sweater without sleeves; a trench colored Burberry stead man jeans; a black Tommy Hilfiger belt; a dark blue Tommy Hilfiger suit Jacket; classic house checked hight-top Burberry sneakers and my vintage black Longchamp.

8.13 am
It is Thursday by now, I was already out for a run (btw: the sun is shining, shining, shining high above the clear sky); in the shower and had a little self-made breakfast buffet by Speedfreak. You know me: No cooking, no cleaning; no cleaning no dishpan hands; no dishpan hands no hundreds of thousands of Euros for La Mer Hand Balm. You see – my thinking always makes sense and as Christine (my work colleague) puts it; a little less money for La Mer a little more money saved for my very own Birkin Bag. So in the end I am winning.

Croatia Klenovica Sunny Second Day

Croatia Klenovica: the Sunny Second Day

1.30 pm Zagreb – Mission Burberry
After about two and a half hours of driving and laughing and fighting with a 20 feet woman (that’s an insider my dears) we arrived in Zagreb and started the hunt for the newly opened Burberry shop. The hunt unfortunately turned out to be a bit of a disappointment since I was looking for a great tie from the new collection but unfortunately, the only tie they had was the exact one I was already wearing. So there goes my message out to Burberry and Zagreb both at the same time: Zagreb Needs Ties. Desperately. Just like I do for fulfilling my plans of buying a Burberry tie in every country I travel to. So, as it seems I will have to come back to Zagreb/Croatia in order to fulfill this plan one day.

Croatia Zagreb Burberry Store Picture 1

Croatia Zagreb Burberry Store Picture 2

5:45 pm – Tea Time
Running around all the time not buying something because there isn’t anything I haven’t already seen or what I desperately need I finally decided to calm down a bit. So we went to ‘The Regent’ hotel close to the botanic garden and drank a cup of tea and coffee and had a little strawberry cheese cake. My sister, Speedfreak and his boyfriend Markus went to see the botanic garden but since the wind is quite heavy and I am not a big fan of plants I have decided to stay at ‘The Regent’ updating my blog and getting a bit of work done. That is the one thing I hate about a holiday – sometimes work and certain important tasks fall behind so one’s gotta do what one’s gotta do in order to keep himself financially fluent in order to being able to invest in all the Burberry one needs.

Now I sit here by myself relishing the fact that I am along for a little bit not having to talk and later on maybe flipping through the pages of my Vogue España with Lily Donaldson on the cover.

That’s all for now. Do you miss having me around already?



P.S.: All pictures by Speedfreak.

Congratulations. You Are Cordially Invited to…

Invitation to 'a Very BURBERRY Birthday'

If you are one of the few 25 people who got an invitation to this very elitist event you can firstly, congratulate yourself because you are officially declared as being fashionable, cool and absolute IN. (Okay – some of those special 25 aren’t as fashionable, cool and absolute IN as they and I wish they were but hey, I write LOYALTY to my friends in capital letters. Always!)

This Party is going to be more exclusive than the fake waiting list at Hermès for a Birkin Bag. It is like walking into the fucking Hermès store directly up to the stuck up sale’s woman and telling her to get the fucking Birkin from the back. The Alligator one and not the cheap calf leather version. This is how getting an invitation to that Party feels like. AND this Party is strictly A-List! This is ‘a Very BURBERRY Birthday’ and it will be Burberry from front to back and head to toe!

Are you excited? Uh – 6.00 PM. Let the fashionable games begin!

Time to put on your party dress. Time to put on some make up. Time to put on your Manolo Blahnik heels or shiny Burberry shoes and hit the catwalk I call life to get to my party. See you there Bitches!



the Bucket List.

Every human being should have plans. Goals to reach. Achievements to render. Things to succeed in. Plain simply put – something to work for in order to make something special with your future and with yourself. Therefore, some people assemble a Bucket List, a collection of essentials and goals one wants to achieve throughout his or her life. And since I have never had something like a bucket list but always a lot of plans and dreams and goals to work and reach for I thought I might as well put them down here (because why should I want to keep something to myself if I can share it with you because you know as I am in Team A keeping a secret is something I simply don’t do!).


– Do a Sugar Cleansing for 28 days. (On May 4th I can put a check there. It starts on Saturday, April 7th. I hope I’ll get through it.)

– Finish a book and have it being published. (And have it later turned into a big Hollywood movie because it was oh, so fabulous and oh, so successful. Ka-Ching!)

– Publish an article in Vogue. (Dear Editors of Vogue. Every Vogue. If you read this please do not hesitate to hire me. Thank you very much. Yours, Mr.StrictlyIntimate.)

– Visit New York City for the very first time. (Planning to go there in September.)

– Live in a foreign country for at least one full year. (12 Months. 52 Weeks. 365 Days. And no month or week or day less.)

– Get in better shape. Permanently. You know, with sports. That is why I bought new running shoes and a training suit AND started to run again two days ago. (I will stick to it. I swear I will. I swear I will. I swear I will.)

– Get married. I may have lost my belief in love but somehow I can’t let go of this one thing that has been on my mind since I was a teenager. (What girl / gay guy doesn’t dream of THE one special big day where one can pull of white from head to toe without breaking about a thousand fashion rules?! By the way – I do not plan on wearing a dress. Just in case you might have wondered.)

– Witness something truly majestic. (Of course, I took that directly from a movie… what was it called again? Oh, yeah, the Bucket List. But no, really, this is something I need on my bucket list. I would even discuss the term majestic and might be willing to switch it with magic. Witness something truly magic. Any suggestions? Any volunteers?)

– Skydiving: Take my closest friend and jump out of a plane. (This is something I wanted to do since I was about 16. I thought that was something very special, very thrilling and very wonderful.)

– Buy a Hermès Birkin Bag. (Some people might think that this is a stupid thing to put on a bucket list because seriously 8.000 Dollars for a bag is like insane. I think I need to be completely and incontrovertibly insane some day. Well, some day when I have an amount of money like this lying around waiting for me to be spent.)

– Give an inspiring speech to a really big audience. (I think I could do that. No, not could. Can. I think I am pretty good at talking and speaking and being inspiring to some people. Above all because I have a lot of life experience.)

– Watch my sister graduate from University. That is something I really wish for. (I want to be at my sister’s graduation as the proud big brother who has a big surprise up his sleeves. One he has planned out since she started to study. Curious?)

I definitely could go on and on and on and on with this list but I think I stop right now to let you stop reading and start writing your own in order to outline your goals and concentrate on what matters to you and your heart.



P.S.: Special Add – something I always thought about but never dared to try. Well, up until now.

– The Art of Archery. (Finally I have made an appointment for my first lesson and it will be Sunday in 10 days. Looking forward to it with excitement a fit and healthy mind and a great attitudes towards an art that is thousands and thousands of years old and shall be treated with a lot of respect from my side!)

the Burberry Tale

Living in a big city like Vienna and trying to provide for oneself what one really needs – a flat, decent clothes and well, some food sometimes means being able to get enough money every month to live your life the way you have actually always dreamed it to be… remember, like back in school.
As we grow up and as we grow older and our dreams and goals slightly or radically change we set ourselves in mind to have a certain lifestyle not thinking about how to achieve this or how to provide such. So I find myself in school imagining being able to afford all the Burberry a boy like me could need including adding a black croc leather Birkin with silver colored clasps to the outfit and then I find myself after university trying to find a job that gives me the possibility to afford all of these things – the sooner the better. And, well reality hits one as hard as a car that tries to drive through a brick wall – you realize – nah, not gonna happen. And it doesn’t. It doesn’t because you realize that you can afford some things one step at a time (like trying to switch my wardrobe from being mixed up to being totally Burberry only) and some others maybe with a few bigger steps than ever imagined (like that Hermès Birkin Bag for instance). You tell yourself it is okay. Very convincible. Because it is. It is okay to not being able buying all the things you want right away because where the hell would be the fun of trying to achieve a certain goal? Where would be the moment of being proud of yourself for working your pretty ass off in order to being able purchasing this instant leather Burberry boots or that croc leather Burberry bag with the beautifully crafted stitch that sparkles like a ray of sunlight or that Burberry gabardine trench coat with the classic, timeless checked lining?

As I am sitting here at Starbucks waiting for dear M to show up for our lunch reservations at Le Ciel I take a close look around at the people in my environment wondering how they make it that way because it seems effortlessly easy to them not to think about the way they are dressed or whether they are dressed up in labels or not and so my thoughts go on and on and on until M shows up and we take our table at the Grand Hotel.

Afterwards we went on a little shopping tour and I kept thinking about Burberry the whole time (not kidding) and once I entered the store realizing the last collection is 30 per cent off I couldn’t help myself to buy a new pair of beautiful trench colored 95 percent cotton 5 per cent elastane jeans. I love them. I instantly fell in love with them and decided that God created my body perfectly to sport Burberry from head to toe 24/7 with everything Christopher Bailey provides for this Burberry-dicted human being. I deserve it. I work for it. Hard – every day and every night. I’ll never stop working (for Burberry goods) – well at least not until I’ll stop breathing but I believe there is a while to shop and go until that happens.

As I carry my beautifully wrapped up Burberry London Jeans in my beautifully green ribboned Burberry Paper Bag I decide that this was a good day instantly thinking about missing my beloved K who I will see in more than a week the next time… for she went back to her mother country because holiday season tells students to go home visiting their parents or to try applying for an internship in which every student will work 24/7 without receiving anything in return but ‘the chance to learn something’ – yeah, try to buy a piece of bread to prevent yourself from starving in a supermarket telling the shop assistant you have no money but you can buy with a bottle of chances. Believe me – you will get no change for that.

That’s all for now because yes, I have Burberry things to do (haha Love that!). Take care my beautiful readers and enjoy your weekend!



P.S. Knowledge of the Day: The world simply looks more beautiful with a new purchase in hands and an outfit that rocks every crowd.

P.P.S. I think I have beaten myself by using the term Burberry in one single article more often than ever before. Is that a sign I need to think about a therapy? What will my shrink say? XO

the Burberry Prorsum Fairy Tale: the Autumn/ Winter 2011 Ad Campaign

By now, every one who is reading my blog on a regular basis ever since I started to write my life down on the internet – in all its beloved privacy and secrecy, knows that I am not just simply adoring or loving Burberry in a healthy kind of way but obsessing over every single piece of fashion created by ingenious mastermind Christopher Bailey.
When I dedicated my final collection at University exactly one year ago to the marvelous history of the trench coat developed for the British military by Thomas Burberry my love grew fonder because I became more acquainted with the actual material of creating such a uniquely classic and fabulously British piece of timeless fashion.

Every time I scroll through the pages of Vogue or Elle and I open a page with a Burberry ad – a shooting that includes a Burberry piece – or simply a stunning picture of Christopher Bailey my heart skips a heavy beat as if it wants to dance to Lady GaGa’s track The Queen (which actually fits incredibly well to the British Kingdom!) and that is always the irrevocable moment of knowing that this label of special, well-designed, beautifully crafted goods is not just basing on traditions but developing further every second because of Christopher Bailey’s sheer Zeitgeist.

As I saw this new ad campaign for the Autumn / Winter 2011 Collection is simply lost myself in its beauty for details and the mixture of a variety of fabrics such as leather in different styles and colors, wool, cotton and silk. The color scheme though still using the classic colors for several suits and pants as well as gabardine and wool coats, is richly enhanced with bright colors such as various red tones, green, yellow and brown (above all in the great variety of leather types used – croc, gator) and shows us that the new autumn season adapts the colors of a tree’s leaves right before they drop onto the floor to make way for a new cold and icy winter fashion wonderland.

Usually, I am completely a summer type of guy – except for the short pants and flip flops: Firstly, my legs are too thin to sport pants as short as a belt (and some guys shouldn’t do as well!) and secondly, flips flops are not just gross but the worst thing shoe manufacturer’s ever bred apart from ballerina flats. Therefore, being a summer guy always made me hate the winter time more than a fake Birkin bag but with these styles to come I can’t wait to run to the next Burberry store to prepare for a fashionable, colorful autumn and winter season.

For now, I am done but there is far more to come so watch your back because I might be spying on you analyzing your outfit from head to toe. Better not sport those flip flops next time you cross my way.



P.S. Dear Mister Bailey – my proposal is still up-to-date. Marry me and I will make you the luckiest man on earth – and vice versa of course!

For all those who can’t get enough of this collection and the ad campaign I have a nice collection of videos to watch and get inspired by. So, get up, dress up and simply look stunning in every way you can!